Working together in difficult times: strategies for e-resource budgeting, negotiation and collection review
Thursday 2nd December 2010 - King's Manor, York
Read a summary of the day (by James Caudwell, JIBS Secretary).
10-10.30 Arrival, registration and coffee
10.30-10.35 Welcome from chair and outline for the day, Gary Horrocks
10.35-11.15 Keynote: Sally Curry (RIN). Sally
will discuss the recent report: Challenges for academic libraries in
difficult economic times produced by RIN in association with SCONUL and CIBER. (PPT)
11.15-11.45 David Prosser (RLUK) - Reassessing the Value Proposition. Towards a Fair Price for Scholarly Journals (PPT)
11.45-12.15 Martin Gill (University of Leeds) - W(h)ither the big deal? Is e-journal purchase about to fragment? (PPT)
12.15-12.45 Tony Kidd - SHEDL (Scottish Higher Education Digital Library) - Negotiating together: the present and future role of consortia in academic library purchasing (PPT)
12.45-1.15pm Lunch
1.15-1.45 JIBS AGM including a presentation by the winner of the JIBS student dissertation prize 2010, Nicky Ransom. (PPT)
1.45-2.15 Liam Earney (JISC Collections) - Driving a hard bargain: negotiating the NESLI2 deals and the prospects for the coming round (PPT)
2.15-3.15 Group discussions: Your ideal model licence
3.30-4 Stephen Town (York) - Facing the future - round-up and overview (PPT)
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