Get it sorted…positive approaches to non-standard access – the challenges of licence agreements, mobile devices and eResources - a joint JIBS/Eduserv event
13th July at JISC Collections offices in Brettenham House, Lancaster Place, London, WC2E 7EN.
The event looked at licence agreements and mobile devices and the challenges surrounding these areas and eResources.
09.30 -
Registration and refreshments
10.00 -
Welcome and overview of the day
10.05 -
Keynote Speaker: Martyn Jansen (Contracts & Legal Manager, Eduserv) - “A licence portability workshop
Also from Martyn Jansen - Online resource licensing – outside the norm: Can universities and college give access to their online resources to anyone?
10.40 -
Louise Penn (Head of Resources & Technology at the University of West London) - "E-resource licences: some hops, skips and jumps to successful contract management"
11.15 -
Coffee Break
11.30 -
Cath Broadley (Digital Library Services Team at MMU) - "We can’t fix it all at once! Doing things one step at a time"
12.00 -
Steve Giannoni (Director of Sales at EBSCO Information Services) - "Accessibility, Discoverability and Interoperability: If it’s working, it isn’t broken. Right?"
12.30 -
13.15 -
Liam Earney (Director of Jisc Collections) - "An over view of Jisc’s approach to issues in non-standard licensing and access”
13.45 -
Jon Bentley (Head of Product Marketing for OpenAthens, Eduserv) - "How evolving access needs are redefining the library role: What are the challenges? What are the opportunities?"
14.15 -
Tea Break
14.30 -
Nick Woolley (Head of Library services at Northumbria University) - "Time to stop kicking the can down the road: why the problem with licences might not be the problem with licences"
15.00 -
Panel Discussion
15.30 -
Closing Remarks