Research evaluation: is it our business? Librarians in the brave new world of research evaluation
Wednesday 29th June 2011 - University of Birmingham: Edgbaston Campus
Read a summary of the day (by James Caudwell, JIBS Secretary).
10-10.30 Arrival, registration and coffee
10.30-10.35 Welcome from JIBS chair Fiona Bowtell
10.35-10.45 Introduction from our chair for the event,Kara Jones (University of Bath)
10.45-11.10 Keynote: Andria McGrath (Senior Information Specialist, Resarch Support, King's College London)
11.10-11.40 Librarians' involvement with CRIS developments: Jeremy Upton (St Andrew's University)
11.40-12.10 System demonstrations
Pure (Sue Cumberpatch)
JIBS User Group Survey (Nadine Edwards)
12.10-12.45 The role of the librarian in the research evaluation process: Kate Bradbury (University of Cardiff)
12.45-13.45 Lunch
13.45-14.15 Supporting bibliometrics: Jenny Delasalle (University of Warwick)
14.15-14.45 Google Scholar - can it really be used for bibliometrics?: Isobel Stark and Michael Whitton (University of Southampton)
14.45-15.00 Tea break
15.00-15.30 Group discussions
15.30-16.00 Feedback from groups & panel discussion
16.00 Close