Make do and mend: alternative routes to information
Tuesday 22nd July 2014 - Room B35, Birkbeck, University of London
10:00 - registration and refreshments
10:30 - Welcome and housekeeping
10:35 - Keynote speaker: Professor Frank Rennie, Assistant Principal (Research, Enterprise, and Development), University of the Highlands and Islands. Learning with online social networks
11:15 - Bianca Kramer, Vakspecialist Beta , Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht. The Utrecht Approach
11:45 - Andrew Gray, Library, British Antarctic Survey and Wikimedian in residence, British Library. Reading Wikipedia: an unconventional approach to information
12:15 - Lunch
13:15 - Jon Stroll, Web of Science. The new Web of Science: keeping pace with the evolution of research discovery. Web of Science and Google Scholar
13:45 - Phill Hall, Senior Sales Specialist. Intota: ProQuest Workflow Solutions
14:15 - EDS, Clive Wright Ebsco Director of Discovery Innovation. Engaging researchers in the digital space: what are other libraries doing?
14:50 - Tea
15:10 - Panel discussion with speakers
15:45 - Closing remarks