Where next for resource licensing?
JIBS-Eduserv Seminar
Wednesday 16 June 2010 - Khalili Lecture Theatre, (Main Building, Russell Square Campus), School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Read Catherine Parker (JIBS committee)'s summary of the event (PDF)
Read Andy Powell (EduServ)'s summary and live blog of the event
10.30-11 Arrival, registration and coffee
11-11.10 Welcome from Chair, Sarah Thompson, Acquisitions Librarian, University of York
11.10-11.40 Keynote: Owen Stephens: Where are you: Does physical location matter in the digital world?
11.40-12.10 Louise Cole, Senior Information Advisor (Collections) at Kingston University: Thorny issues in licensing: an
institution’s view
12.10-12.40 Josephine Burt, Business Development Manager at The Open University: Fit for the future: the challenges of an expanding customer base - the OU’s experience of providing access to diverse groups in the UK and internationally
12.40-1 Jenny Carroll, Marketing and Communications at Eduserv: It’s all a question of scale – joint initiatives in HE institutions
1-1.45 Lunch
1.45-2.15 Matt Durant, Bath Spa University’s Information Manager (Digital Resources): An Open Athensand the issues involved in configuring systems for different users.
2.15-2.45 Ed Dee, Manager of the UK Access Management Federation support group based at EDINA: SAML protected resources: the theory and practice of granularity and management data
2.45-3.15 Mark Bide, Executive Director of EDItEUR(the international trade standards organisation for electronic commerce in the book and serials sectors): Machine readable licences (ONIX PL
3.15-3.30 Martyn Jansen, Contracts & Legal Compliance Manager, Eduserv: Use, users and usage: How Eduserv is planning to address some of the issues raised today.
3.30-3.45 Tea, discussion, questions
3.45-4pm Sum up and close