ePub3: a vision for the future? How are we going to get there?
26th February 2016 at Student Central, London
The event looked at ePub3 and issues with e-books
9.30 Registration
10.00 Welcome and overview of day
10.05 Keynote speaker: Nic Gibson, Corbas Consulting : Digital Publishing and Training - "EPUB, how we got here and why is it taking so long to get anywhere else?"
10.45 Tifaine Dickinson, E-Textbook Services Co-ordinator, University of Plymouth - "Plymouth University eTextbook Project: The challenges of developing a new ebook model when publishers are on a different page"
11.15 Coffee break
11.45 Catherine McManamon, Liaison Librarian, University of Liverpool - "JISC OA e-textbooks at Liverpool: A new model to meet student expectations"
12.15 Lunch
13.15 JIBS AGM
13.30 JIBS dissertation prize presentation and overview by student
13.45 Liz Martin, Head of Production, IOP Publishing information and library services staff - ""How to get to epub: the practicalities and challenges of ePub creation from a technical perspective"
14.15 Sarah Burton, Information & Library Assistant, Cambridge Judge Business School - "Stuck in the Present: The Mixed Blessing of Ebooks"
14.45 Tea break
15.15 Panel discussion Q and A
15.45 - 16.00 Closing remarks