The joys and perils of Ebooks, we thought it would be easier!
Tuesday November 26th 2013 - Chancellors Room, Hughes Parry Hall, 19 – 26 Cartwright Gardens, London WC1H 9EF
09:30 Registration and refreshments
10:00 Welcome and housekeeping (Fiona Bowtell, JIBS chair), Chair for the day: introduction to the day
10:15 Keynote Speaker: Caron Milloy, JISC Collections, will give an overview of the current marketplace, including the difficulties encountered within the FE sector: The ebooks marketplace: try and then try again!
11:00 Jill Taylor Roe, University of Newcastle: Trying to keep the customer satisfied – the role of PDA.
11:30 Comfort break
11:45 Elaine Mulholland, St. Mary's University College, Belfast: “The Impact and Perceptions of e-books on Academic Staff in Further Education Colleges in Northern Ireland.”
12:15 Ken Chad: Ebook ‘consumption’ the challenges issues and opportunities. Outputs from the Jisc ‘Challenges of ebooks’ project
12:45 Lunch
Split into sector groups:
13:45 Elizabeth McHugh: Purchasing challenges in HE
14:15 Phil Gee: 'The Plymouth eBook Project'
14:45 Discussion forum: issues with acquisition and use.
13:45 Carolyn Alderson, JISC Collections: the difficulties encountered in trying to make E book collections available to FE.
14:15 Elaine Mulholland and Stephen Harvey: Evidence based practice and promotion and tips on how to raise FE e-book usage figures
Stephen Harvey
Elaine Mulholland
14:45 Discussion forum
15:15 Reconvene: Sharing of discussion forums and closing remarks
15:45 Tea
16:00 Close