‘Accessibility and eContent: is it fit for purpose for the 21st Century user?’ and AGM
24th February 2017 at CILIP headquarters, London.
Storify of the event
Blog of the event, kindly provided by Theano Manoli of The Royal Agricultural University, Cirencester
09.45: Registration
10.15: Welcome and overview of the day
10.20: Keynote speaker: Alistair McNaught, Subject specialist (accessibility and inclusion), JISC - "Rough diamond or fool’s gold? E-content as an accessibility solution"
11.05 Tea break
11.30 Geraldine Huzar, Learning and Teaching Librarian, The Open University - "The Open University and accessible learning’’
12.00 Kate Vasili, Copyright Officer and Licence co-ordinator and Ruth Houghton, Liaison Librarian, Middlesex University - ‘Supporting Students at Middlesex University: filling the accessibility gaps’
12.30: Lunch
13.15: AGM
13.30: Gopal Dutta, Secondary Education Subject Librarian, Manchester Metropolitan University - “Collaboration is the key: working as part of a team to organise an audit of ebooks for accessibility”
14.00: Alisair McNaught and Gopal Dutta - demonstration of ebook audit 2016 (webpage)
14.30 Tea break
15.00 Panel discussion Q and A
15.30 – 15.45 Closing remarks