New dawn: the changing resource discovery landscape - JIBS Event and AGM:
Monday 25th Februrary 2013 - Brunei Gallery at SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) London
0930 Arrival, registration and refreshments
1000 Welcome and housekeeping (Fiona Bowtell, JIBS chair), Elizabeth McHugh Chair for the day: introduction to the day
1015 Keynote Speaker Ken Chad, Ken Chad Consulting Ltd: Search to Discovery. The context for library centric discovery services
1100 Emma Crowley Bournemouth University: mySearch changed my life – a resource discovery journey
1125 Comfort break
1135 Isla Kuhn, University of Cambridge: Summon – a game of two halves
1205 Paul Stainthorp, University of Lincoln: "Find it at Lincoln": implementing EDS at the University of Lincoln
1235 Lunch
1335 JIBS student dissertation prize giving. Short presentation of the winning project, Rachel Hessey, University of Sheffield: The impact of knowledge exports from librarianship and information science (LIS): Investigating cross-disciplinary citations
1350 Elizabeth McHugh, University of the Highlands & IsIands: The librarians’ perspective: what are the considerations and constraints when choosing a system?
1405 Adam Edwards, Middlesex University: Summon@Middlesex: The Good, the Bad and the Irritating
1435 Fiona Greig, Plymouth University: Primo and Alma: implementation, impact, integration and imagination
1505 John Dalling, University of Wales Trinity Saint David: OCLC WorldCat Local at University of Wales Trinity Saint David
1535 Comfort break and tea
1545 Matt Borg, Sheffield Hallam University: Summon-ing the courage. Cultural changes when implementing a discovery system at Sheffield Hallam University
1610 Discussion forum
1630 Close