Demystifying Research Data: don’t be scared be prepared:
A joint JIBS/RLUK event
Tuesday July 17th - Brunei Gallery at SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) London
11am: Introduction to the day
Introduction to research data management
11.50-12.10: Liz Holliday: University of West England’s Managing Research Data Project: Prezi version (PDF version)
12.10-12.50: Breakout group session 1: Library roles: where in the RDM lifecycle does the library fit?
12.50-1.30: Lunch
1.30-2.20: Rachel Proudfoot (University of Leeds) The RoaDMaP Project
Carmen O'Dell and Barbara Sen (University of Sheffield) RDM Rose
Dorothy Byatt (University of Southampton) JISC DataPool
RDM and the librarian: what will the librarian’s role be and what skills do we need
3pm: Close