Sherif EBSCO Enhancement Group
Zoom Meeting: 2:00 - 3:30
Sarah Thompson (ST), University of York - Chair Helen Buchanan (HB), Imperial College London Susan Craig (SG), University of Sunderland Nadine Edwards (NE), University of Greenwich Elizabeth Gillespie (EG), University of Liverpool Emma Hollinshead (EH), Aston University
Geraldine O’Beirn (GO), Queens University, Belfast - Minutes Tom Vause (TV), Leeds Beckett University
Steve Giannoni (SG), EBSCO Information Services Richard Bramwell (RB), EBSCO Information Services Joe Schulkins (JS), EBSCO Information Services
Steph Moriarty (SM), EBSCO Information Services
Sarah Robbins (Liverpool John Moores University) Beverley Delaney (Open University)
Kerry Hadaway, (University of Southampton)
Susan Craig, University of Sunderland, is replacing Clare Miller
University of Birmingham, currently represented by Helen Handley, are stepping down from the group
Sarah Thompson, University of York, is stepping down as Chair. Sarah has notified the Sherif committee and is currently seeking a replacement chair from the group.
No specific actions to follow up on. Matters Arising
3B. 'Accessibility Help' footer can be integrated into EBSCO interfaces by requesting through EBSCO Support.
Sherif users’ issues
EBSCO will be not be retiring existing databases at present. (RB)
EBSCO have now fully released COUNTER 5 reporting in Usage Consolidation and it also includes cost information. (SG)
Jenny Weston at EBSCO is currently working on improvements in the journal subscriptions area. (SG)
This is now resolved. (JS)
EBSCO have contacted Askews and Holts and some of the issues regarding the records have been resolved but other remain. The issue relates to diacritics within the fields. Work between EBSCO and Askews and Holts is ongoing to resolve this. (JS)
Resolution of this issue has been deferred, as EBSCO rewrite the Full Text Finder interface (which is part of a general overhaul of all EBSCO interfaces). The rewrite will incorporate a fix on the issue. (JS)
EBSCO have had feedback to the contrary from other customers. EBSCO will not make this particular changes unless more customers request this. In Folio there are a number of alternative options. (JS)
ST has received a request to share the issues raised by individual institutions with the wider Sherif community prior to today’s meeting with EBSCO. There was limited response to the call for issues this time, which is understandable given the current situation.
SG says it is possible to easily change this setting for the database in EBSCO Admin and will forward details.
JS to get an update from EBSCO authentication team to clarify this.
NB: This has been raised previously on several occasions; ER 158389.
JS says there is currently a wider conversation ongoing around search functionality and how EBSCO can best address the different needs of their users. There is beta testing running at present which will give an indication of limits.
ST raised the possibility of being able to view which enhancement requests were the most popular.
SG says that hopefully this can be addressed when in a call with Product Management.
HB asked if EBSCO invoices could be sent into Alma via API.
SG said EBSCO are working towards a future where systems would be more consolidated, such as EBSCONET being integrated with database billing.
TV requested if the free additional content on Holdings Management added during Covid-19 crisis, could be automatically deselected and removed when they expire. JS proposed Folio ERM as a possible solution to this but would also investigate this on EBSCO Admin.
Steve Gianonni
Director of Sales, UK & Ireland
EBSCO UK & all worldwide offices now working from home and transition to home working has gone well ensuring consistent service delivery.
EBSCO have provided free and expanded access to their resources during the Covid-19 crisis.
EBSCO upgraded previously purchases ebooks to unlimited user access until 30th June.
Reduced pricing for unlimited user access on ebooks has been introduced for hundreds of publishers.
Academic ebook subscription collection complimentary access for non-subscribing customers.
FE/HE ebook subscription collection complimentary access for non-subscribing customers.
A simplified version of EBSCO Faculty Select OER has been made available.
Harvard Business ebook collection complimentary access for non-subscribing customers.
VAT on ebook and ejournals, credit libraries for subscribed content.
EBSCO reviewing existing business model in current climate.
Steph Moriarty
Sales Manager, eBooks at EBSCO Information Services
Perpetual ebooks on an aggregator platform can be switched to a different aggregator at no additional cost, dependent on publisher participation. To facilitate the switch, the metadata for the title must be submitted in Excel form, with the ISBN being the minimum requirement. If available the access model information previously had with vendor must be included. The switch involves a match for same edition and not an upgrade. The quote should be forwarded to the EBSCO rep and when quote is returned, a signature of a waiver is required indicating that a request will be made by the customer to shut off access for applicable titles on the other vendor’s platform.
1,200 publishers allow free platform switching and includes major platforms such as Taylor & Francis, Elsevier, Oxford University Press & SpringerNature. EBSCO will continue to target publishers that they do not have current switch rights for.
If EBSCO does not carry the same license as previous vendor, EBSCO will switch to the next available model. If an upgrade from single to a higher model is required, the institution will be charged for difference in cost between the two models. Ebooks on the EBSCO platform can be made available in 24 hours. MARC record needs can be accommodated. If a customer is a GOBI user, EBSCO would upload to GOBI for deduplication control.
ST proposed that future EBSCO Sherif meetings should be conducted online and the group concurred with this. It was proposed to change the frequency of the meetings from biannually to quarterly.
Sarah Thompson, University of York, is stepping down as Chair. Sarah has notified the Sherif committee and is currently seeking a replacement chair from the group. Steve Giannoni commended Sarah for her valued contribution as Chair to EBSCO Sherif group.
None received.
A WebEx follow up meeting will be held with Product Management, preferably the first week in August. The meeting will include an accessibility compliance update.