‘I, Robot – the future of AI in Information Services’
Wednesday 28th June, 1 – 4:15pm (online via Zoom)
Twitter tag for the event : #sheriflibrariesAI
Speakers at the Event
- Dr Andrew Cox, University of Sheffield : is a Senior Lecturer in the Information School at the University of Sheffield. His profile states that after graduating from Aberystwyth with an MSc in Library Studies, he spent a number of years working in development projects around the use of ICT in library contexts, funded by EC, JISC and others. He completed his PhD at Loughborough in 2006 and much of his research relates to the information professions and their response to contemporary trends such as artificial intelligence, datafication and managerialism. His talk was "Developing a Library Strategic Response to AI" - His slides are accessible from here.
- Sue Attwell, works at JISC where she so-leads the national centre for AI. The centre plays a vital role in advancing AI capabilities within member institutions through thought leadership, piloting AI products, providing practical advice and conducting sector-focused research. The centre also provides ethical guidance to promote responsible and inclusive AI adoption in the education sector. Her talk was on "AI and Education" - Her slides are accessible from here.
- Dr Matt Wood, is a Digital Learning Developer at Durham University
- Hannah Wood is a Knowledge Specialist working in NHS England. Her professional interests include emerging technologies, and the practical applications of machine learning tools in Knowledge and Library services. Her master’s dissertation, submitted in 2018, considered the opinions of college staff and students concerning the implementation of a machine learning tool on a student interactive database. Her talk was about "Using Large Language Models as an NHS Knowledge Specialist"
- 15:20 - 15:50 Dr Mark Carrigan,is a Lecturer in Education at the University of Manchester where he is programme director for the MA Digital Technologies, Communication and Education (DTCE) and co-lead of the DTCE Research Scholarship group. He’s the author of Social Media for Academics, published by Sage and now in its second edition. He spoke about "What will the automated university look like? Two speculative scenarios and considerations for policy and practice."